Monday, June 26, 2023

How long will a spray tan last?

 Spray tans are the perfect way to get that healthy glow while shying away from harmful UV rays (aging your skin prematurely is definitely not in). At Spray Tan Tel Aviv, we believe that a beautiful tan starts with healthy skin and our tans are formulated to not just make you look better but feel better too. Our spray tan actually improves your skin and leave you with a gorgeous glow for longer. So how long does a spray tan last? 

The answer to that depends on a few factors, including your skin health, complexion, and pre- and post-spray tan care. In this blog, we’ll answer the question “how long does a spray tan last?,” and also share some important spray tan tips to get the most out of your tan.  

How Long Does a Spray Tan Last?

A spray tan can last up to 10 days, but it also depends on your unique skin. A spray tan on lighter skin tones might last for about 5 days, medium shades can last between 7-8 days, and darker shades can last up to 10 days. To be safe, we say that your spray tan will last anywhere between 5-7 days, depending on your spray tan care routine. 

The best thing you can do is avoid these things :

Swimming pools



ocean water


lotion or retinol creams

perfume directly on your skin

natural oils

tan extender

long hot baths

excessively soaping up body in the shower

not exfoliating properly before your tan appointment

sweating while tan is developing

excessive working out or friction

Will swimming make my spray tan fade faster?


How to maintain a tan while swimming

Prolonged water submersion or swimming CAN fade a spray tan.

Some say the chlorine, salt, or chemicals  in the water are “bleaching” out your tan. The bleach levels in pool water can certainly dry out the skin (which will increase fade over the next few days), and possibly lighten the tan a little, but they are normally not at a high enough percentage to “bleach” skin and clothing.

There are exceptions of course, some public pools may maintain very high chlorination levels for public health reason (higher then home pool owners would use because of eye discomfort involved),  which will add in an additional contribution to the tan fade.

Water seeps under the dead skin cells, and into the skin layers, causing the skin to swell and fill with water between the cells. A water fills pockets between cells, skin gets “pruiney” and wrinkled looking, after prolonged water submersion.

This soaking also loosens the attachments, holding dead skin cells against living cells beneath. The dead skin cells are spray tanned brown, so as they lift, the tan will lighten, because less “brown” cells are on top, lightening the color.

This will happen with fresh, salt, or chlorinated water, from pools, streams, even a prolonged tub soak. Which is one reason a long tub soak is a recommended method of tan removal.

Gorgeous Yuval Scharf in her spray tan

Gorgeous Yuval Scharf in a שיזוף בהתזה for her premiere 4:20


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